Animal Communication Classes starting in two weeks!
I wrote this letter of thanks to Katherine after my little cat made a remarkable appearance back home after 2 weeks of being missing. The sheer amazing-ness of this story is such that I want to write a bit more detail about the whole event.
I moved house on 4th December and I kept my cats inside for 2 days but then let them go out on Tuesday morning for a little walk around. The other cats ( I have 8 altogether) all came back after a short while but One little cat, Monet, didn't come back all day, then all night, then all next day with no sign of her. The weather turned bad. Frost set in and then it snowed, temperature outside was icey, below 0 degrees, gale force winds blew on subsequent days and then torrential rain...all this time Monet was missing and I had no idea where she could be. I could not even leave the house due to the bad weather to go and look for her. We thought she may have wandered off and got lost as the new territory where I had moved to was unfamiliar to her, and she therefore was not able to navigate her way back to the new house.. We wondered if she was trying to find her way back to the old house? I was very worried. I had no idea where to look and I did not know if she could have survived the extreme weather outside all alone with no food. I was so upset with myself for not putting her apple airtag collar on, but I just hadn't anticipated that she would wander off like this - very short sighted of me. I felt so miserable, now 2 weeks had passed since Monet went missing and we all thought it would be impossible to find her after this long. Then my daughter who lives in Canada sent me Katherine's name, an animal communicator. My daughter actually thought that Katherine was based in England (where I live) but I saw by reading her website that she lives in Canada. So I emailed her to ask if she can communicate with animals in England. She replied saying, yes, she could. I was fortunate to be able to get a zoom appointment the next day. I did not know what to expect but I was hoping with all my heart that Katherine could help me. I told Katherine what had happened, and she listened and then she turned off the video and audio and went into meditation to try and connect with Monet. I'd only been able to send her a photo of Monet as a kitten and now Monet is about 1 and a half years old. 30 minutes later Katherine came back on zoom and amazingly she HAD been able to contact Monet!! It was incredible. The words she used to describe Monet were so apt, so perfect...I am still marvelling, Katherine, that you came back with the word "dainty" and a "bit of a princess" (so true!!!), and at the same time, " gone into the feral state", "survival mode" . Katherine was able to tell me exactly where Monet was hiding and it was close to home - our new home! She was hiding because she didn't know the new area and didn't feel confident to stand outside the front door in the open. (Unfortunately I do not have a cat flap yet).. We all thought Monet would be miles away by now, but here Katherine was telling me that Monet was hiding in the gardens only 1 minute walk from my new house!! Katherine encouraged Monet to come home and wait at the door for me to let her in. We did not expect her to respond quite so soon though as Katherine said that Monet wasn't keen on coming out of hiding and it might take some time to regain her trust and for her to regain her courage to come forward. Amazingly though, it seems that Katherine speaking directly to her like this DID give her courage as the very next morning after Katherine spoke with her, I looked out the window and saw a little grey animal shoot along the top of the wooden fence, running away from the house back to that north east corner of the gardens where Katherine had said she was hiding. I knew in my heart that it was Monet . She has a bushy tail like a squirrel and she always runs very fast. She got the courage to come closer after Katherine communicated with her the previous evening. Now that I knew where she was hiding, I put food in my garden shed and outside my front door. I also put a light out there and a mat and a blanket in the shed. And I called her name. I had not done this before because I never ever envisaged that Monet was close by. I had been walking all over the fields far at the back of the row of houses, calling her name - to no avail. If I hadn't got hold of Katherine I would never have known that Monet was in the front gardens in hiding. And I don't think Monet would have come forward if Katherine had not communicated with her on my behalf, making a connection with her again after two weeks where she had no human interaction at all. (Monet would have reverted back to living as a feral cat as she came from that background - her mother was a feral cat) Anyway, 2 days later , two of my other cats wanted to go outside in the early hours of the morning.. I let them out and a while later I heard a soft husky meowing outside. I went to the door and there was Monet! She was the one meowing, which is amazing because she never makes a sound and has almost no voice but here she was making such a big effort to call me - just as Katherine had been encouraging her to do!! It really is incredible and I absolutely believe that we would not have found her and she would not have come home like this if I hadn't contacted Katherine. It is so amazing how Katherine could communicate with a tiny little cat all the way in England from Canada and be able to tell me where she was hiding and be able to "speak" to Little Monet and encourage her to come to the door. Katherine's ability to communicate on a telepathic level with animals is quite extraordinary and so special. My daughter in Canada could not believe the precision of Katherine's location of Monet's whereabouts. Katherine actually sent me a satellite Google maps picture and could circle the area where Monet was hiding, which turned out to be closer than we imagined when I first looked at the map. My daughter wrote me a message on Whatsapp after Monet came home, she wrote :"Monet has joined the ranks of the EXTREMELY RARE animals on Earth who have had direct communication with a human being.🙏😺❤ " We are so grateful that there are such incredibly special and gifted human beings like Katherine on this Earth, who are ABLE to tune into an animal's consciousness and actually communicate in a meaningful way. Monet has benefitted so much through this interchange too. I have noticed that she is much calmer and I can just see that something has changed, something "special" ❤has happened to her since Katherine "spoke" to her! Thank you Katherine. 🙏🌹🎶😻 ~Liz Evans (Gloucestershire, England) |
Katherine PettitI have been a Professional Animal Communicator since 2016. I have been an Animal Lover for a very, very long time. Archives
February 2025
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