Flower Essences
I use the Animal Lover's Kit from Alaskan Flower Essences. I will recommend the best Flower Essences for your animal's condition. A 1 oz/30 ml glass dropper bottle labeled with your animal's name and dosage instructions will be mailed to you.
A list of conditions when Flower Essences are helpful. Animals who:
-are living in a city and are alone for much of day
-have been abandoned and rescued
-have been neglected and abused
-are agitated, irritated and aggressive
-have separation anxiety
-are fearful, timid or skittish
-are over-reactive and nervous
-have suffered an injury, shock or trauma
-have difficulty adjusting to their surroundings
-need help conceiving, pregnant
-need surgery
-have a family member that has died
-have been left in care when the family is on vacation
-have been in transport
This is not a substitute for qualified veterinarian care or intervention.